Advance Arbutus Analyzer

Certified Arbutus Trainer: Anton Bouwer This training is suitable for data analysts who have at least 6 months data analytical experience and are comfortable learning advanced techniques and programming languages. Key Objectives for this Arbutus Analyzer Advance...

Introductory Arbutus Analyzer

Certified Arbutus Trainer: Kevesh Moodley Overview of Arbutus Analyzer commands and functions Using Arbutus to find duplicates and gaps. Using quick filters and SmartSearch Using date and financial functions Comparing data tables Relating and joining data tables...

Demystifying SAP Data Analytics

When independent analysts are asked to perform data analytics in a SAP environment, the most common questions that they ask are: How do I get access to SAP data?How can I get data out of SAP?Which SAP tables do I need?How do I prepare SAP tables for analysis? Beta...